Angela Lynn
Children's Director
Ministry Staff
Life Story
I am a Cleveland County native. I was blessed to be born into a Christian home with very loving parents. I grew up going to Second Baptist Church. At the early age of 4 I knew I didn’t have Jesus in my life, and I knew I needed him. So, with the help of my mom I prayed and asked Jesus to be my Savior. That was the start of my walk with Jesus. I have often wondered why He called me to a relationship with Him so early in my life, and it would be much later in life when I would find out the reason. Growing up, people would ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up, and I would always say “work with children”, even as a child myself. I graduated from Cherryville High School in 1994 and went to Appalachian State University to pursue a degree in Child Development. While at ASU I grew in my faith. I started to have a true personal relationship with Jesus and not just something I had because my parents did. I graduated from ASU in 1998 and started teaching preschool for Rutherford County Schools. Two years later I transferred to Cleveland County Schools where I taught preschool children with special needs for 17 more years. During that time I met and married my wonderful husband, George. I also started teaching children’s church at Second Baptist. At that point I realized exactly what God had put me on this earth for, not just to teach children, but to teach them about HIM. It was then that I also realized why God had saved me so early in my life. He had a plan for my life all along, and He knew that one day I would be working with little ones. Because of my personal experience, I would never doubt that He could call them to a relationship with Him, even as young as 4. George and I now have two daughters. I resigned from Cleveland County schools to come on staff here at HCC in August 2017.
My Hope for HCC
My hope for the children of Hope Community is that they will come to know Jesus as their Savior and have a growing personal relationship with Him. It is also my hope that we will partner with families to help children develop their God given gifts to their fullest potential, so they can fulfill the purpose He created them for.