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Growth Groups

Radi8 Student Ministries exists to lead students to know the Light and be the light. We believe God’s plan to reach students all over Cleveland County is through YOU. Every day you come into contact with people who are far from God who need the hope that is only found in Jesus. God has equipped every believer with the gift of the Holy Spirit, who gives us the power to share the gospel and to make disciples. God has also given each one of us a sphere of influence- people we come into contact with every day as we go about our daily lives. At Radi8, we believe God has uniquely positioned YOU to share the gospel and make disciples in your sphere of influence.


Growth Groups is a student-led ministry within Radi8, in which students prayerfully and strategically create and sustain their own multiplying groups. Students will use the “Multiply” curriculum to equip and disciple other believers in their sphere of influence, then send their group members to create and sustain their own Growth Groups.



Fill out this online form or join us for Radi8 on Wednesday Nights at 6:00 at the Shelby Campus!

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