Busy Mom's Workout
Maney Shull
Workouts for the mom on the go!
Class Description
Hey everyone I am Maney, and my workouts are for busy moms. Our goal will be, to be physically active three days a week. Each work out will be 30 minutes long. I understand the struggle of feeling like there is not enough hours in the day. These workouts will be designed for you to do at home, and some can even be done with your kids! Each week I will post a video explaining the workouts I have planned.
Instructor Bio
I struggle with a hormone disorder called PCOS. This disorder affects my female hormones and even insulin levels. It is very hard for me to lose weight but very Easy for me to gain weight. Due to the hormone imbalance, I went through years of infertility and two miscarriages before I got pregnant with my daughter. The best way to manage PCOS is with diet and exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight. After figuring out what exactly was going on with me and being told that losing weight would increase my chances of becoming pregnant, I started working harder at becoming healthier. I am excited to be an imago dei instructor. I pray that God will use these physical and spiritual work outs to glorify his name.