Next Gen Ministry
We exist to help students and kids who are far from God find hope in God
As Students and Kids attend our weekly services our goal is that they would accept Jesus as their savior, be baptized, and be discipled inside circles of believers. Our hope is that they would mature in Christ as they take the steps of obedience that are needed so that they can truly be involved in a love relationship with Jesus Christ.

Start a youth out on his way;
even when he grows old he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
We believe wholeheartedly that kids and students need to KNOW Jesus and have a one on one relationship with Him. We believe that as they know Him more they should GROW in their relationship with the Lord. Additionally, as believers , no matter how young, they need to be equipped to GO out and spread the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Our weekly services are built to draw young people as unbelievers to KNOW Christ while equipping believers to GROW and take steps of obedience as they accomplish the great commission of Christ (Mathew 28:18-20) to GO and spread the Gospel. As a ministry we believe our job is to work with the family to make sure that students and kids grow up in the Lord, taking steps of obedience, as they mature in Christ.