Hope Community Church exists to help people far from God find hope in God by giving hope, creating community, and being the church, from our home to the world beyond.
But what is hope? The word is often spoken of as if synonymous with wishing. People say it and cross their fingers. We use the term to denote a vague longing for something we want but find unlikely to happen. We hope our problems disappear, our bank accounts multiply, and our children turn out perfect.
Yet hope, as defined in the Christian worldview, is more robust than a wish, more fixed and surer than a vague longing. It carries the idea of delayed but guaranteed fulfillment. It is the assurance that something set in motion will, in due time, come to fruition.
We believe that this kind of hope is found only through knowing Jesus. It is our constant prayer that through our Sunday services, our community groups, and our efforts to send believers out into the world to be the church that, all those far from God will find hope in God through Jesus.